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Mar 15, 2024

Proper wheel alignment is a crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance and a service we offer here at your Toyota dealer. While it may seem like a minor detail, alignment plays a significant role in the safety, performance, and longevity of your tires. Read on as we define and discuss this important maintenance step.

The Basics

When your vehicle’s wheels are aligned, the suspension system is adjusted to ensure the wheels are in the proper positions. Also referred to as a tire alignment, this adjustment is necessary to optimize tire performance, vehicle handling, and overall safety.

What Happens During an Alignment at Your Toyota Dealer?

An alignment consists of several steps to ensure the wheels are properly adjusted. One of our professional technicians will inspect your tires for any signs of uneven wear and/or damage. The tech will then use specialized equipment to measure the current alignment angles of the wheels, including the camber, toe, and the caster.

Based on the measurements, adjustments will be made to bring the wheels back to the manufacturer’s recommended specifications. Further adjustments may need to be made to the suspension components, such as the tie rods and/or the control arms. Finally, a test drive may be conducted to make sure the vehicle handles properly and the alignment is accurate.

The Importance of Keeping Your Wheels Aligned

Having your wheels aligned promotes even wear on tires, which expands the lifespan of your tires, and saving you money in the long run. Because correctly aligned wheels reduce rolling resistance, your car will also get better fuel efficiency, saving you at the gas pump. Also, a car with properly aligned wheels steers and responds more accurately, reducing the risk of accidents.

How Often Should You Get an Alignment? 

Since driving habits, tire grade, and vehicle type can all influence alignment and tire integrity, there is no definite answer to this one. If you have experienced any type of substantial impact while driving, such as a minor fender bender, a hard hit on a curb or speed bump, you should have your alignment checked right away. Otherwise, scheduling a routine check every 12,000 to 15,000 miles is a good rule of thumb.

Is Your Car Out of Alignment? 

If you notice your tires are wearing down more on one side than another, there may be an alignment issue. A vehicle not in proper alignment may also vibrate or shake the steerling wheel while being driven. Another sign to watch for is the car pulling to one side while being driven straight.

Routine alignment checks and adjustments are necessary to maintain optimal vehicle performance and prolong the life of your tires. If it has been awhile since your last alignment check, visit us at Burien Toyota in Burien, WA today.

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